Teeth Bonding
1- Mental free dental bonding solution
2- Composited Matched to Your Teeth color and aesthetic results
3- Affordable Cosmetic Producer
2- Composited Matched to Your Teeth color and aesthetic results
3- Affordable Cosmetic Producer
Dental bonding is the use of white (or tooth-colored) composite (filling material) for filling, repairing, or making aesthetic improvements to a tooth. The procedure is “technique-sensitive,” which means the systems in the procedure have to be performed precisely and without error.
he quality of these tooth colored materials used for fillings has become increasingly better each year with many scientific advances that maintain the color, resist fracture, and give natural translucent appearance.
he quality of these tooth colored materials used for fillings has become increasingly better each year with many scientific advances that maintain the color, resist fracture, and give natural translucent appearance.
Advantages Of Tooth Colored Fillings
- Composite resin tooth colored fillings look natural with a translucent tooth-like appearance and can be mixed to match any color of the tooth by your dentist.
- Since back-cutting is not required, less of the natural tooth structure needs to be drilled away and removed by your Dentist, which maintains more of the strength and integrity of the natural tooth.
- Composite resin strengthens the tooth that is filled because the composite resin actually bonds within the tooth structure.
- Composite resin fillings rarely have areas of the tooth that are thin or weak, so that cusps rarely fracture off.
- Composite resin fillings do not conduct heat and therefore do not expand and contract with heat and cold in your mouth, which helps facilitate tooth fractures near metal fillings.
- Without back-cut areas or temperature movement, there is not any stress put upon weak areas of the composite filled tooth as occurs with metal fillings.
- Composite fillings do not have any unbounded area between tooth and filling to allow moisture and bacteria to enter and cause decay and aide fractures.
What is the cost of dental fillings or teeth bonding?
Our prices are most competitive in Melbourne the cost of the fillings could range between $80-$295 and cosmetic bonding between $300 -$500 per tooth depending on case complexity, surface area. We used the best and well researched filling material for all our fillings resulting long-lasting fillings.
Book A Free Consultation
At Affordable Dentist (ADM) Melbourne we provide affordable in-chair teeth whitening options administered by best cosmetic dentists for maximum results.